Thursday, April 5, 2007
5:07 AM

One afternoon,Harry Potter,
the most famous wizard came
to a very dark castle.

In lived a very powerful witch,
she was Griffindor,she came here
to kill human beings just to be
the victorious and own this place.

Potter was not scared because he
wants to be a kind and truthful
wizard and help human beings come
in peacefully in the world.

Soon he came to a room where
Griffindor lives.Then Potter open
the door bravely,and there was Griffin,
sitting beside a big pot,and she knew that
Potter was behind her and she said,''Mua
ha ha ha!So Harry Potter is here.Then lets
have a challenge.''

Then Harry Potter suddenly said,''Its
fine with must follow
the things that i ask you to turn into,and if
you succeed,i will award you to become the
owner of the world!Isn't that to much good
for you!Lets start then.''

''Turn yourself into a toad....................
Now,turn yourself into a candle litted with fire!
Then suddenly,Potter blew the fire on the candle
out,and there she was,then Potter threw her
into the fireplace.

''HA!HA!That witch!Named Griffindor,
very nice name but she could be easily tricked
by a wizard,now time to go back to school and
and learn.when one of his friend heard about
what kind of kindness he has done to the rest of
the people in the world!

Then the princapal of the school came towards him
and said,''You've done a good job,and you will be
awarded as assistant-head leader of the whole school.
Well done!'' ''Thank you sir!''and Potter went back
feeling very proud of himself that he had done a good


*type something about you here*

April 2007
July 2007
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